Friday, November 8, 2019

How to Make Yellow or Golden Fire

How to Make Yellow or Golden Fire Most flames from candles or wood burning fire are yellow, but you can color a blue flame so that it will become yellow. Heres what you do. Chemicals That Produce Yellow Fire Yellow can be caused by the temperature of a flame, but it can also come from the emission spectrum of a chemical as it is heated. Typically, this is caused by the presence of sodium in a fuel. You can produce a yellow fire by adding any of these common sodium compounds to a fire: Sodium chloride (table salt)Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda)Sodium carbonate (washing soda) Making Yellow Fire The yellow emission spectrum from sodium is so intense, you really dont need to add sodium to most materials to produce a yellow flame. However, if you want to intensify the yellow color, you can add salt to your fuel. Most of the chemicals that produce yellow fire are soluble in water. Dissolve any of the salts in a very small amount of water or in rubbing alcohol, which is a mixture of alcohol and water. Mix the sodium solution with your fuel (e.g., naphtha, alcohol) to add yellow color to a blue or colorless flame.

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