Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Government Rules and Public Opinion about Hunting Research Paper

Government Rules and Public Opinion about Hunting - Research Paper Example The Chinese authorities put strong control over hunting activities because of political reasons. The general public interest in China is not in favor of hunting activities. "China Wildlife Management Authority started to plan an auction of hunting quota and permits for the fall season of 2006, in order to replace the original way of issuing the hunting permits based on case application and case approval† (â€Å"Hunting In China is Suspended - Again!†). On the other hand, Canadian laws with respect to hunting are more liberal in nature. Moreover, Canadians like hunting very much. The influence of religion and politics can be observed in the public opinion of hunting in Canada and China. This paper compares the laws and public attitude in China and Canada with respect to hunting. According to the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Wildlife Chapter II, Article 8, â€Å"The state shall protect wildlife and the environment for its survival, and shall prohibit the illegal hunting, catching or destruction of wildlife by any unit or individual† (â€Å"Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Wildlife†). ... Chinese authorities have divided the entire wildlife into two categories: special protection category and non-protection category. Hunting of wildlife in the special protection category is unlawful in all circumstances whereas licensed hunting is allowed in other categories. Article 18 of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Wildlife, Chapter III, states that â€Å"Anyone who intends to hunt or catch wildlife that is not under special state protection must obtain a hunting license and observe the hunting quota assigned. Anyone who intends to hunt with a gun must obtain a gun license from the public security organ of the county or municipality concerned† (â€Å"Hunting in China Is Suspended - Again!†). In short, hunting without permission is prohibited legally in China. Chinese authorities are respecting animal rights more than any other countries in the world. Public opinion continues to be strongly opposed to issuing new hunting permits in Chi na. "So you are saying that you can protect the animals by killing them?" said a netizen called Dazuiyu. "If we reopen the hunting ground in Dulan to foreigners, it is hard to say how many more will come. The number of animals they want is small this time, what about next time and the time after next? It will increase fast"(Yuan). Public opinion in China seems to be against hunting. It is difficult for the Chinese people to come out strongly against the governmental policies. They often respond through Internet in order to keep their anonymity. â€Å"Foreigners were previously allowed to hunt in China only after completing a complicated application process. By the end of last year, China had earned US$36.39 million by allowing

Monday, October 28, 2019

A Separate Peace Essay Example for Free

A Separate Peace Essay One of the main focuses in the novel A Separate Peace is the friendship of Gene Forrester and Phineas. One would assume that two completely opposite people wouldn’t have such a strong relationship. They both have different views of the world. Where one would find strength the other finds weakness. With having two opposing personalities as the main characters, it’s easy for the reader to identify with one more than the other. It also gives the reader a chance to admire, as well as pity, both Gene and Phineas. One of the most important differences between Gene and Finny is their views of the world. Gene has a more cynical world view. On the other hand, Finny’s view of the world is very pure and naive. Finny truly believes that everyone is good in the world. Another thing that sets Gene apart from Finny is their strengths and weaknesses. Gene is one of the top students of his class, while Finny just gets by with below average grades. But what Finny lacks in academic achievements, he makes up for in athletics. Read more:Â  Write about a person you admire essay Finny also has the natural ability to lead others and has a non conforming attitude, whereas Gene is follower and has a more conforming attitude. As well as many other novels, A Separate Peace includes easily relatable characters. While reading the novel, I discovered that there are certain qualities of both Gene and Finny that I can identify with. After careful consideration, I realized that I most identify with Gene rather than Finny. He and I both are drawn to people with larger than life personalities. I can also relate to his insecure feelings that come with having friendships with those types of personalities. His strength in academics is another trait of his that I can identify with. Even though I identify more with Gene, I also pity him. I pity that his jealousy pushed him to do something so harmful to his supposed best friend. I also pity that fact that he doesn’t have enough self confidence to tell Finny the truth. That being said, the person I admire would be Finny. He has this natural ability for being a leader, and it’s said several times that he can get away with anything. I also admire that instead of him moping about his leg, he twisted his own reality just to be happy. In conclusion, the main relationship in A Separate Peace involves two people with opposing personalities. They both view the world differently. Gene has more of a pessimistic view of the world, while Phineas’s view of the world is very innocent. Where Phineas finds strength, Gene finds weakness. While I indentify more with the character Gene, I also pity him for the outcome of his poor decisions. Instead, I admire Phineas. I admire his self confidence and attitude towards life.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Human Need for Love in Mary Shelleys Frankenstein Essay -- Franke

The Human Need for Love Exposed in Frankenstein    Written in 1817 by Mary Shelley, Frankenstein is a novel about the "modern Prometheus", the Roman Titian who stole fire from the gods and gave it to man. The story takes place in several European countries during the late 1700's. It is the recollection of Victor Frankenstein to a ship captain about his life. Victor is a student of science and medicine who discovers a way to reanimate dead flesh. In a desire to create the perfect race he constructs a man more powerful than any normal human, but the creation is so deformed and hideous that Victor shuns it. The creation then spends a year wandering searching for companionship, but everywhere he goes he is shunned and feared. Hating life the creature turns its misery on its creator, killing off Victors family. Frankenstein chases the monster to the North Pole, in an attempt to kill it. Weakened by the cold and long chase, a dying Victor is taken aboard a ship, where he relates his tale to the captain and dies soon after. The next night the monster visits the ship and looks upon Victor's body, ashamed by all of the killing he has done the monster flees into the Arctic Ocean, never to be seen again. Frankenstein appears to be a novel about the evil ways of man, but it is truly about the human soul and how it needs friendship and love to survive. This theme is apparent from the opening letters from the ship captain to his sister in which the captain writes, "I have but one want which I have never yet been able to satisfy ... I have no friend" (Shelley 7). The captain is about to embark on his life's dream of sailing to the North Pole; he has a good crew and a fine ship but still wants a friend to share the excitement with. ... ...nd misery, because he killed all that he loved. It is at this moment that he realizes that he doesn't hate Frankenstein but actually loved him like a father, but was so consumed by self loathing and hate that he killed all he loved. With this passing thought the monster leaps from the ship into the ice filled sea, and is never seen again. At first it is seen as a story about man and the evils he can do, yet Frankenstein is actually about the friendship of the soul. Without this basic need the body either withers away and dies or turns to another source, like murder or drink, to fill the hole. Both fatalities can be seen in the story, with Victor's friendship and the monster's anger. Neither one fills the gap in their soul, but eventually consumes them until they die. Work Cited Shelley, Mary W. Frankenstein. Great Britain: J.M Dent & Sons LTD. 1959.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Plato Vs Aristotle Theory Of Knowledge Essay

The theory of knowledge (Epistemology) is the philosophical study of the nature, scope and limitation of what constitutes knowledge, its acquisition and analysis. The fundamental issue that remains unsolved in epistemology is the definition of knowledge. Philosophers are divided on this issue with some analyzing it as justified true beliefs while others differ and say that justified true belief does not constitute knowledge. The objective of this paper is to compare and contrast Plato and Aristotles theories of knowledge. Platos theory of knowledge Before Plato, there were some other philosophers that had made some remarks about the theory of knowledge especially Socrates. However, Plato has been credited with the origin of the theory of knowledge as it was found in his conversations. His theory of knowledge closely intertwined with his theory of forms (ideas), envisaged that there were two essential characteristics of knowledge. Knowledge must be certain and infallible. Knowledge must have as its object that which is genuinely real as contrasted with that which is an appearance only, that which is fully real must be fixed, permanent and unchanging- in the realm of being as opposed to that which is in the realm of becoming(physical) Consequently, he completely rejects imperialism on the account that knowledge does not arise from sensory experience. In his arguably best publication, Thaeatetus, Plato explores the question, what is Knowledge much more ardently than in any of his other works. In this dialogue involving Socrates and the young man named after the text, the dialogue turns aporetic because it ends at an impasse. What the dialogue inferred in the beginning is that knowledge is perception. This is evidently not true because it would be impossible to attribute knowledge to perception without a semantic structure and hence it would be impossible to state it. Perception only describes one quality of a given type of knowledge that is available only to the vision. Based on the tripartite theory of knowledge, which analyses knowledge as a justified true belief, Thaeatetus believes that knowledge structured  semantically from sensory impressions, is possible. Plato rejects this notion arguing that there is no way to explain how sensations concatenated, is organizable into a semantics structure. In response to the definition of knowledge as true judgment with an account, he uses the Dream Theory to explain how semantic structures can arise from perceptions, just as the mind creates logical constructs, which have meaning in a dream (Chappell, 2005). Because this view fails to give an account of how the logical construction takes place in the first place, Socrates objects. In essence, the failure to differentiate between what is knowledge and from true belief about knowledge only adds to identify a diagnostic quality of knowledge. Because there is s problem of how to identify knowledge, then it also follows that there will be a problem in how to identify the diagnostic quality of knowledge. This regression makes Thaeatetus conclude that we cannot define knowledge. A very interesting point emerges in Platos remarks at the end of the dialogue, bringing into focus the concept of understanding and the role of wisdom in enabling us to even start considering that perhaps we only begin having true belief and about what knowledge is when we actually understand anything (Chappell, 2005). The allegory of the cave In the allegory of the cave, Plato compares people untrained in the Theory of Forms to prisoners in a cave, chained to the wall with no possibility of turning their heads. With fire burning behind them, they can only see the wall of the cave and the shadows of the puppets placed between them and the fire (Platos Cave, n.d). The prisoners are unable to fathom that the shadows they see and the echoes they hear are a reflection of real objects, behind them. The Allegory of the cave summarizes most of Platos views and philosophical thoughts. His central tenet, the belief that the world available to our senses is only a reflection (a poor imitation) of the real world, of which the real one can only be intellectually grasped, is synonymous to his theory of forms, which exalted the world of ideas (form) above the world of senses (matter). It is therefore easy to mistake appearance for reality, based on what the  prisoners in the cave experience they easily refer to the shadows using the names of the real objects that the shadows reflect. In this way, Plato tries to show that our knowledge is only a reflection of the real ideas in our minds. He maintained that what is seen on the earth is an imitation of the real thing. The prisoners, by looking at the shadows may learn what a book is but this does not enable them to claim that it refers to an object, which they have seen. Likewise, we need the physical objects in order to enable us acquire concepts. However, it would be a mistake to imagine the concepts same as the things we see (Platos Cave, n.d). Plato concludes that men Begin to understand reality by being out in the full glare of the Sun (out of the cave). He gives an illustration of a more true reality of the road and the images of people passing along it. These he explains are perceptions that present the immediately apparent reality of shadows upon the wall and the conceptual recognition that the images being carried are not as real as the variously motivated people carrying them. Aristotle Aristotle theory of knowledge was based on his strong belief in Logic. He developed the principles of reasoning. He argued that the possibility of error forces the mind to determine the truth validity of a given statement. This meant the intellect must have adequate reasons, which can ensure the proposed judgment conforms to reality. He believed that such reasons, were the foundation of perfect knowledge, perfect knowledge being knowledge through causes. Aristotle devised a method of leading the mind to correct reasoning (syllogism) which is a structure of two statements (premises) which follow from each other and a conclusion necessarily drawn from the two above. He developed the first principle of reasoning which was the principle of no-contradiction where he stated that something could not be and be at the same time in the same manner (Adventures in Philosophy, n.d). Aristotle differed with Plato in his theory of Knowledge. He believed that experience showed that individual substances exist and a predicated of the  substance and that an individual is not produced by some idea or model, as opposed to what Plato thought, but by fellow individuals of the same species. His theory of knowledge was based on empirical evidence as opposed to Plato who was an idealist. Aristotle believed that first there had to be an individual who through germ or seed was able to reproduce another one hence, the seed in the individual would be in potency form because of its capacity to become an individual in future. To make this possible matter (substratum) where this seed with potency could develop under the right conditions was needed. It was supposed to remain unchangeable but perform its function. Aristotle believed that only individuals could be referred to as beings in the full sense of the word. Every individual was a compound of matter and form. Matter was the indeterminate element, which was unchanging, and Form (potency) was the force and power shaping and developing the individual. This he called active potency. Every form, because it possessed some actual determination of matter, was also called act. Therefore the Human being development analysis was designated as comprising matter (substratum), form (determining element), potency (both active and passive), and act. By giving an example of an artist, Aristotle explains how ideas in the mind of an artist become a work of art in the physical world- his classical example, the piece of marble, which becomes a sculpture through the work of the artist. The marble though it has shape and form (in passive potency), loses it to become a sculpture which was only an idea in the mind of the artist. Aristotle thus identifies the four important causes, the efficient cause- the work of artist. The material cause- the organic matter (marble), the formal cause when the two meet and the final cause which is the finished product-perfection. From the combination of the above four, he summarizes the idea of Form in the development of the individual. Making form the †¦ propelling, organizing and final principle of becoming. The individual therefore has both matter and form, even though God, the immovable mover was only form.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Difference between Issues and Problems

Some business managers mistakenly use the term â€Å"issue† and â€Å"problem† interchangeably; however, doing so may complicate the daily decision making processes by lumping all issues and problems together and possibly make a bad situation worse. Separating issues from problems helps to prevent smaller issues from becoming problems. This business practice is so important that there is an entire management discipline predictably called, â€Å"issue management† (IM). The Dow Jones says that â€Å"successful issue management depends on addressing concerns before they become full blown problems. 1Therefore, it is deduced that issues are smaller, less threatening and require minimal effort to find resolution – but left unchecked could expose the organization to greater risk. There is an analogy to help put this concept into proper perspective – â€Å"forgetting your lunch is an issue, but losing your job is a problem. 2 Therefore, the difference between an Issue and a problem can be explained this way, â€Å"Problems are solved. Issues need to be resolved†¦. To solve is to explain and to resolve is to separate a thing into its component parts or elements, then determine a course of action. †

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

buy custom The Historical development of labor Management movement essay

buy custom The Historical development of labor Management movement essay Developing a clear labor management systems have been an important tool for the effective management of work force, as well as continuous improvement of any given organizations. The need of labor management can be traced back to start of labor movements, where people came together to campaign for their rights from respective governments or employers. As noted from Ballot (1996), in most instances the turning point in labor management especially in US have been associated to instances of economic hardships. The great depression witnessed the establishment of a comprehensive federal legislations designed at protecting the rights of workers. The labor history describes history of organized labor and general history of working of people in US among other states across the world. The pressure that have dictated by the power and nature of the organized labor includes power and evolution of the corporation, private agencies aimed at controlling or limiting the unions, and the efforts of emp loyees (Commons, 2006). As a response to this, labor federations and organized unions have evolved, competed, merged or split against backdrop of the changing periodic federation interventions and social philosophies (Kovach, 2010). This paper critically traces the history of labor management movements in the chronological order 18th 19th 20th to the present. Labor management movements in 18th and 19th century The success of labor movements in US attributable to progressive movements, which attempted to cure most of ills faced by the society during great spurt of the industrial growth, especially in last quarter of 9th century. Later, some of the progressions included La Follette progressive of 1920s, Roosevelt progressives, Henry Wallace progressive among others (Commons, 2006). It is also worth noting that late 18th century witnessed increased state interventions on labor protests, thus leading to raised labor injunctions .First, there was Tudor Industrial Code that was a culmination of programs initiated in middle ages in assuring an adequate supply of skilled workforce, as well as good quality in manufacturing products (Kovach, 2010). In US, Local Trade Union of men first formed in late 18th century, while women organizations launched in 1820s. In 1827, The Mechanic Union of Trade found in Philadelphia was one of the trade unions, which were intended to tackle the hard working conditions for most of working class in Philadelphia. In 1843, some representatives from various trade unions were convened at NTU (National Trade Unions) convections that marked first substantial efforts of creating National labor organization in US (Forbath, 2001). In 1867, regional order of Knight founded and claimed more than 60,000, thus making it one of the largest unions in US, although it was poorly organized and soon it declined. By 1870s, there was a rapid consolidation and growth of large railway systems, leading to a union covering the whole nation (Ballot, 199). The key unions entails BLED (Brother of Locomotive Engineers), Brotherhood Railroad Trainmen among other notable groups. All these groups were not members of AFL (Americ an Federation of Labor) and fought off radical rivals, like Knight of Labor in 1880s and America Railroad Union in 1890s. In 1890, the US Federal Government developed the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 aimed at limiting monopolies and cartels. Later, in 1914, the US government passed the Clayton Antitrust Act, and added to the country antitrust law regimes seeking to avoid anticompetitive practices in US incipiency (Paterson, 2002). The act prohibited certain conduct, some of them were the three level enhancement schemes, remedial measures, the exemptions among others legislations. These competition acts were further enhanced by The National Recovery Administration, established by Franklin Roosevelt. It main purpose was to eliminate cutthroat competition, though bringing labor, government and industry to set fair prices and fair practices (Kovach, 2010). In the current times, the act still form basis for most of the litigation in US Federal Government. Later, there was creation of WMF (Western Federation of Miners) in 1893 (Commons, 2006). The union was frequently in competition with American Federation of Labor, thus spawned to several federations, such as Western Labor Union, IWW (Industrial Workers of the World). In 1893, there was development of NCF ( National Civil Federation), which favored modest progressive reforms, as well as resolving disputes that arises between organized labor and industries (Kovach, 2010). On 1914, Henry Ford announced a five-dollar salary plan to all the eligible employees, who were working for eight hours on daily basis. The Ford plan was viewed as a better plan to the employees, while most of employers viewed ford as a reckless person (Forbath, 2001). Organized labor between 1920-30s It is worth noting that 1920 marked periods of decline for labor movements in US. In 1919, approximately 21% of the work force (about 4 million workers) participated in 3500 countrywide strikes. In contrast to this, 1929 witnessed approximately 1.2 % of the work force stage only 890 strikes (Commons, 2006). Union activities and membership fell greatly in face of economic prosperities (Ballot, 1996). This was due to lack of leaderships within these movements and the anti-union sentiments from government and employer as well. Despite the back drop of economic prosperity, employers across US led a successful campaign against these unions (Paterson, 2002). It was known as American plan and sought to depict these unions as aliens to US individual spirits. In addition to this, some of employer such as NAM (National Association of Manufacturer) used tactics, such as Red Scare in discrediting the unions and connecting them to the communism activities. The courts in US were not hospital to th e union activities, as some forced to sign yellow-dog contracts, which indicated that they could not join, until these contracts were outlaweed in 1932 (Paterson, 2002). Labor management movements The Federal Government initially guaranteed the rights to bargain and organize the railroad workers with passage of Railway Labor Act of the 1926 (Ballot, 1996). NIRA (The National Industrial Recovery Act) was a part of new deal policies of the era of great depression aimed at protecting workers rights to unionize. The controversial part of Wagner Act was the section eight that prohibited unfair labor practices on part of the employees (Paterson, 2002). Under this section, employers could not have fired a worker legally for joining a union. Due to its shortcomings, NLRB (The National Labor Relations Board) was established in order to administer Wagner Act and remains a key agency in regulating labor relations in US (Commons, 2006). In 1930, there was formation of United Auto workers, which was labor union that represented workers in Puerto Rico and US. This union played a major role of anti-communist and civil rights movements among other notable duties. In 1933, there was creation of NLB (National Labor Board) with a sole purpose of handling disputes taking place under NIRA (Forbath, 2001). In 1947, the Traft-Hartley Act was established to revise the Wagner Act to take account of restrictions on the unions and general management. This was in line with response to demands for action, especially after wartime and post-war strikes in the Auto-Steel, among other notable industries. They were perceived to damage the US economy and threatened railroad called off prior to shutting down national economy (Kovach, 2010). The Act referred as Labor Management Relations Act amended the Wagner Act, thus known as National labor Relations Act of 1935 (Commons, 2006). In 1959, the labor management Reporting and Disclosure Act was developed by US government (Paterson, 2002). It was aimed at regulating internal affairs of labor unions, as well as relations with the employees. This highly helped to settle industrial cases amicably as win-win situation was upheld. With shutdown in economic growth coupled with intensified global competitions after the really 1970, a larger number of labor management cooperations program advocated for improved efficiencies of most of they US organizations (Forbath, 2001). In the early 1990s, Clintons administration established a commission to look at the future of workers management relations aimed at addressing broad range of issues. Some of them included labor management corporation programs and reforms of the United States labor laws. Conclusion From above information, it is evident that labor management through plans, such as five-dollar plans by Ford among others, has been vital for the success of labor movements across the world. Across the globe, labor movements have led to formation political parties, such as in Australia and United Kingdom. These political parties are largely popular due to their efforts to fight for the rights of workers in those countries. Buy custom The Historical development of labor Management movement essay

Monday, October 21, 2019

Drugs Effects on Crime essays

Drugs Effects on Crime essays While some people may take part in recreational drug use, those that use mind- altering substances may exhibit violent tendencies. The use of drugs- by which we mean any substances that are psychoactive, or tending to affect the mental and emotional state of the user- might be related to criminality either directly or indirectly. (Wilson 355) Individuals who frequently use dangerous narcotics are more likely than individuals who dont use narcotics to commit a crime of violence. Some drugs have the ability to make people think that theyre stronger than they are, act impulsively, or criminally. Some drugs are thought to make persons more aggressive, by which is meant that they derive more satisfaction from, and thus are more strongly reinforced by, the act of inflicting injury on a target, such as another fellows jaw. (Wilson 355) People who use drugs are more likely to commit domestic abuse crimes. New York States Rockefeller Laws ratified in 1978 have made an attempt to crack down on crimes caused directly or indirectly from drugs. ...severe sanctions imposed on very profitable behavior may have their greatest effect on offenders with short time horizons... (Wilson 212) However, maybe the key to stopping people from committing crimes from drug problems is a mandatory stay in a drug rehabilitation clinic after the first offense. While some people may demonstrate violent tendencies naturally, drugs induce violence in others. While there is no surefire way to prevent all crimes caused by drug users, there are some things that can be done to prevent it in some cases. ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Today CoSchedule Celebrates Our Best Birthday Yet - CoSchedule Blog

Today Celebrates Our Best Birthday Yet Blog Today marks the third anniversary of the day came to be! Were incredibly excited about the journey weve had, and even more excited about whats coming up next! Now you have a perfectly good excuse to pause and go grab some cake before diving in further. We  Couldnt Do This Without You First and foremost, we have so much gratitude for everyone that has helped us grow from a little startup to a world-wide  used  marketing calendar. Thank you to our 7,000+ customers that allow us to do what we love each and every day. Your awesome ideas, feedback, and encouragement continually shape what will become. Not to mention, the 100,000 blog subscribers that motivate  us to continually create helpful content- you are our inspiration! Thank you to all of our marketing heroes that have taught, shared, and helped us along the way. The Jay Baers, Seth Godins, Neil Patel, and so many more. You have guided us through your shared  experiences and support, and we wouldnt be where we are without your kind, wise advise.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Dispute Settlement Understanding Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Dispute Settlement Understanding - Essay Example The members of the WTO are aware of the clear and well established legal procedures available for smooth trading and enforce the relevant rules to settle disputes among themselves. These rules are contained in the understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes (through Dispute Settlement Understanding or DSU)2 . The strict legal and policy framework of the DSU helps in promoting adherence to rules which are negotiated by WTO Members and since the rule of law rather than the rule of power is applicable and important, the DSU rules are beneficial for small and medium sized countries engage in worldwide trade so that there is very little scope for unilateral trade actions by large countries3. There are automatic establishments of panels to review complaints and disputes by WTO members and specific timelines are also established throughout the process so that all disputes are resolved quickly and efficiently. If the disputes are addressed in favour of a particular member, there are also provisions for a right to appeal against panel decision to a permanent Appellate Body on issues of law and automatic adoption of panel reports4. The WTO Members are encouraged to resolve disputes through consultations and for most disputes, reaching to the state of panel decision may also not be necessary5. If panel decisions are taken, the panel report and the Appellate Body report are adopted by WTO members and at a meeting of the Dispute Settlement Body, it becomes a WTO ruling. The members who are found to violate obligations are given a period of time to comply with the ruling in whatever manner possible. The member is given a time period within which it has to comply with the ruling. If the member fails to comply with the ruling, within the prescribed time limits, then it has to offer compensation to the complaining member during the time of pending compliance with the ruling. When there is disagreement on compensation, then the complaining member may be authorised to retaliate and take action until the other member has actually complied with the ruling. A rule based system seems to provide for a framework that helps to manage international trade relations and the trade disputes. The best method of resolving trade disputes have been considered as consultations and negotiations and when the consultations fail, then the dispute settlement provisions are utilised and panel decision may be sought.6 When even panel decisions fail, appeals are made to the Appellate Body and the legal provisions are identified and implemented. The DSU facilitates smoother trade transactions and exports between countries and also helps individual member countries to defend measures which may be challenged by the other trading partners7. In this assignment we will discuss the effects of Article 4, 6 and 23 of the

Friday, October 18, 2019

Employee Data Collection Training and Six Sigma Quality Process Terms Essay

Employee Data Collection Training and Six Sigma Quality Process Terms and Concepts Table - Essay Example Are horizontal and parallel lines used in a control chart for the determination of variations that are of significance by indicating lower and upper limits It is the comparison of an output based on an in-control process against the specification limits through usage of capability indices. Measures ability of a firm to produce products that can meet client’s tolerance. It is the acceptable difference between what a firm can produce in terms of value and what the consumer can tolerate. If the product’s value lies outside this range consumers can reject it. Refers to a product designed by a firm handed to a consumer to give his opinion based on his desired specifications. It can also be the client giving a producer a product to produce a similar one. It is a method used to measure and control quality during the process of manufacturing through the use of quality data. Quality data that is within the upper and lower control limits is considered to be of quality. It is a vi sual sequence representation of activities involved in production. Also referred to as process map It is a set of statistical techniques used for quality enhancement, through identification and removing causes of defects

Contemporary Chinese Law in Context Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Contemporary Chinese Law in Context - Essay Example 4). Traditional Chinese Laws were practiced in China even during the latter half of twentieth century. The traditional laws were highly influenced by philosophical and political doctrines propagated by Confucius. Thus, the traditional Chinese laws, government regulations and penal code had Philosophical influence (The Spirit of Traditional Chinese Law n.d., p. 2-3). This paper deals with some of the Chinese laws which were revised and those which have kept pace with the changes brought about by economic globalisation. While some of the existing laws were amended like the Competition law, social law, Property laws, some new laws like Food and Beverages Law, Antimonopoly Law, etc were introduced. This paper reviews some of those laws by focusing on the circumstances which required introduction of new laws, components of new laws, their implementations and effectiveness in the Chinese Society. At the same time, this paper also examines categorization of laws basing upon their formation as well as their limitations or drawbacks. Chinese laws after 1976 to 2013: Contemporary laws: westernization Chinese legal system got modernized only after the country earned its Republic status, and especially after the reign of Qing dynasty. The effects of Cultural Revolution necessitated the requirement for formulation of some new laws and reformation of some. It has been observed that, during the last thirty years China has put most efforts in implementing legal provisions. Not only this, China has also achieved significant amount of success in redefining its legal norms, development and innovations in institutions and systems pertaining to laws and regulations. Modern day Chinese laws are meant for serving long term goals. Some of these include modifying public behavior, family planning policies, proper functioning of social systems, and above all making up for flaws that were committed by Chinese legal systems before modernization (Dingjian 2010, p. 40). Over time, the legal reforms in China have been results of direct influence of legal systems of developed Western countries. However, China has blended them with their specific problems and has customized the laws to create a system which would best serve its purpose. In order to introduce a new behavioral model, China had to introduce new legal standards. Thus, modern Chinese legal concepts are aiming at shaping up a large- scale, proper and consistent legal- structure for China (Dingjian 2010, p. 41- 42). The Chinese legal system can also be divided into two broad categories- the state made laws and the non- state made laws. State made Law All the formal acts and regulations that are formulated and implemented in recent times are classified under this category. The state laws consist of standard legal provisions and procedures and in every aspect are held superior to non- state laws. Chinese laws are regulated by multiple authorities, and the division of power is centralized. Thus, China has a well de fined law and regulations for its citizens, thereby promoting equality and peace (China's Current Legislation Structure). Non- State made law The non- state laws refers to those codified and un-codified laws and regulations that are practiced in a nation without maintaining any international convention. Numerous such laws could

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 7

Assignment - Essay Example The report by Celal and Parent is timely since it focuses on an area that did not have adequate research prior to their study. SMEs deal with the people directly as they have their management and offices in the communities they offer goods and services as opposed to multinationals that might only have offices for supply reasons and maintain decision-making functions far off in their headquarters. As such, a report that offers insights into how SMEs can survive when faced with such a recession and downturn in future is highly welcomed. The study is a revelation to those in need of a strategic plan to help their businesses stay afloat whenever they are faced with a financial crisis. Application of Celal and Parent’s report cannot be limited to a time global financial recession. The business practices that owners exercised can have wider application to business that needs to reduce their expenses for other internal financial reasons. For example, according to the study business o wners had to use methods like working longer hours, taking a salary cut, acquiring more debt, and cancellation of personal vacations (1). Such methods employed by SMEs owners during recession can still operate in rescuing businesses that need to stay afloat due to their own financial crisis. The study by Celal and Parent is important in minimizing effects of recession in future as it provides a range of changes in their review of the policy measures that business enterprises can use in face of financial crisis. One of the strengths the report has is that the researchers break down policy measures employed by SMEs into finer details. The researchers go further to analyze every aspect of the business strategy on their own before moving on to analyze the strategy as part of the whole effort of saving the SMEs from going under. The report covers all areas in which there were changes effected to ensure the SMEs survive including such area of business operation as business owner’s behavior, markets for the business, sales and marketing strategy employed, measures concerning employment, financial strategies, reactions and most requested policies, growth strategies and fiscal policies. Celal and Parent’s wide coverage of policy changes for SMEs makes it valuable due to the completeness of the analysis. Although Celal and Parent covered most of the areas that SMEs can use to fight recession in future, the analysis is not without some drawbacks, the study limits its scope to SMEs operating in Canada to arrive at its conclusions. Maximum application of the study is possible only when a business enterprise consuming this research finding operates in a business environment that is similar to the one that the SMEs that were sampled in Canada face. The study should have included business organizations in other market environments in their sample to increase the scope of application. Sampling of SMEs in other countries and market environment would also help SMEs in Canada. This would have provided insight into policy measures SMEs outside of Canada put into practice to survive the recession. The entry noted in the study by Celal and Parent as ‘other’ on the graph is not specified to indicate what they might include. There are instances when the entry goes up to 11 per cent in the analysis of changes in employment (3). Such changes

Entrepreneurial Leadership Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Entrepreneurial Leadership - Research Paper Example Social entrepreneurs are resourceful, innovative, and results oriented. Dr. Jordan Kassalow is a superb example of social oriented entrepreneur. Dr. Kassalow is the CEO and Founder of Vision Spring. Also, he is the founder and co-founder of the Global Health Policy Program Scojo New York respectively. His social entrepreneurship skills started back in 1984 when he volunteered to treat and help patients in rural Mexico (Kassalow, 1991). Seventeen years later, he formed a non-profit organization called Vision Spring. Vision Spring has sold almost six hundred thousand pairs of reading glasses in seven different countries. In the last year, Vision Spring gathered an annual income of $290,000 and still was on charitable donations. In 2010, they amassed $ 1700000. Three years later, he combined forces with a global microfinance organization called BRAC, in Bangladesh. BRAC has an eighty thousand strong sales force of women, who got hired to sell baskets of Band-Aids and Aspirin. Kassalow figured out on how to use the sales force to help him sell reading glasses, which in the process would help him save money on administrative and training costs. In the same year, Vision Spring sold ninety thousand pairs of glasses, but he still got losses. In the following year, Vision Spring sold two hundred and one thousand pairs bust made losses, which would now force Vision Spring to sell millions of pairs of reading glasses to break even (Stephen, 2008). A good example of a profit oriented entrepreneur is the late Steven Paul. Steve was an American businessman, inventor and designer. He was the chief executive officer, chairman, and a co-founder of Apple Inc (Brashares, 2001). He was also the chief executive officer and a co-founder of Pixar Animation Studios. In 2006, The Walt Disney Company acquired Pixar, and he became a member of Disney board of

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 7

Assignment - Essay Example The report by Celal and Parent is timely since it focuses on an area that did not have adequate research prior to their study. SMEs deal with the people directly as they have their management and offices in the communities they offer goods and services as opposed to multinationals that might only have offices for supply reasons and maintain decision-making functions far off in their headquarters. As such, a report that offers insights into how SMEs can survive when faced with such a recession and downturn in future is highly welcomed. The study is a revelation to those in need of a strategic plan to help their businesses stay afloat whenever they are faced with a financial crisis. Application of Celal and Parent’s report cannot be limited to a time global financial recession. The business practices that owners exercised can have wider application to business that needs to reduce their expenses for other internal financial reasons. For example, according to the study business o wners had to use methods like working longer hours, taking a salary cut, acquiring more debt, and cancellation of personal vacations (1). Such methods employed by SMEs owners during recession can still operate in rescuing businesses that need to stay afloat due to their own financial crisis. The study by Celal and Parent is important in minimizing effects of recession in future as it provides a range of changes in their review of the policy measures that business enterprises can use in face of financial crisis. One of the strengths the report has is that the researchers break down policy measures employed by SMEs into finer details. The researchers go further to analyze every aspect of the business strategy on their own before moving on to analyze the strategy as part of the whole effort of saving the SMEs from going under. The report covers all areas in which there were changes effected to ensure the SMEs survive including such area of business operation as business owner’s behavior, markets for the business, sales and marketing strategy employed, measures concerning employment, financial strategies, reactions and most requested policies, growth strategies and fiscal policies. Celal and Parent’s wide coverage of policy changes for SMEs makes it valuable due to the completeness of the analysis. Although Celal and Parent covered most of the areas that SMEs can use to fight recession in future, the analysis is not without some drawbacks, the study limits its scope to SMEs operating in Canada to arrive at its conclusions. Maximum application of the study is possible only when a business enterprise consuming this research finding operates in a business environment that is similar to the one that the SMEs that were sampled in Canada face. The study should have included business organizations in other market environments in their sample to increase the scope of application. Sampling of SMEs in other countries and market environment would also help SMEs in Canada. This would have provided insight into policy measures SMEs outside of Canada put into practice to survive the recession. The entry noted in the study by Celal and Parent as ‘other’ on the graph is not specified to indicate what they might include. There are instances when the entry goes up to 11 per cent in the analysis of changes in employment (3). Such changes

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Conversion of Energy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Conversion of Energy - Essay Example Thirdly, fission and fusion reactions possess the capacity turn the energy associated with ordering of subatomic particles into nuclear energy. Fossil fuels pertain to fuels formed out of the organic remains of prehistoric plants and animals that undergo natural process of anaerobic decomposition and these fuels are chiefly comprised in coal, gas, and oil. It normally takes nearly 700 million years for decaying plant and animal matters to be fossilized upon exposure to extreme levels of heat and pressure into usable fossil fuels which are mostly rich in carbon with coal, natural gas, and petroleum by composition. Being a non-renewable source of energy, fossil fuels may be volatile or non-volatile as materials ranging from those of minimal C to H ratios as methane gas and liquid petroleum to materials with heavier carbon content than hydrogen as in the case of anthracite coal. In modern times, fossil fuels are confronted with the perils of continuous depletion at a rate that alarmingl y exceeds that of their production which implies that renewable substitutes with equivalent advantages ought to be discovered and settled at for corrective resolution. Besides being a flexible non-renewable energy source, based on their structure, depositional environment, and thermal reactions, fossil fuels draw a potential attraction due to the fact that most of world’s reserves of oil and natural gas come from deformed rocks whereas a great quantity of coal may be derived from sedimentary rock layers that do not undergo deformation. Sediments are readily found everywhere on which are comprised marine organic matter filled with oil and gas in high proportions to make opulent fossil fuel amounts. Because of low oxygen concentration on environments in which massive deposits are preserved and coal forms that gather toward bogs and swamps, fossil fuels can be acquired with much convenience. Under natural circumstances, fossil fuels are made beyond human intervention since therm al processes may occur spontaneously after decomposing organics goes through preservation to become fossil fuels at a later time. Aside from fossil fuels, biofuels like the ones based on algae are a renewable alternative fuel used in producing electricity. Besides the renewably drawn energy derived through biomass, geothermal energy, hydroelectric energy, wind, and solar powers, good fuel alternatives are present as well in bioalcohols, non-fossil methane and natural gas, ammonia, and vegetable oil. These safer options create possibilities of reducing air pollution since less hazardous substances are involved during the crucial stages of extraction and emission processes. This way, state investments may be allocated for concerns other than for setting up regulations. In particular, heat derived from the earth by means of a natural geologic process has been widely attributed to ‘geothermal energy’ (with Greek words geo meaning earth and therm for heat) and is treated as a remarkable alternative to fossil fuels or other non-renewable ene

Monday, October 14, 2019

Evening MBA and Online MBA Essay Example for Free

Evening MBA and Online MBA Essay During my undergraduate studies and my work experiences, I have achieved a number of significant accomplishments that have prepared me for the W.P. Carey MBA. As part of my undergraduate studies, I did an internship at Stora Enso’s Wisconsin Rapids paper mill. My capstone project at the mill involved designing and installing an operator information display, which required me to utilize the services of an interdisciplinary team. For my senior project during my undergraduate studies, I was part of the engineering enterprise team, which expanded my knowledge on business and product development. After graduating college, I joined the United States Air Force, which provided me with a wealth of leadership opportunities. I have held several leadership roles both at the Air Force and afterwards in civilian jobs. While in the Air Force, I was given the opportunity to be the squadron physical fitness leader. I was responsible for the physical training of 200+ personnel and their tests. As part of this duty, I designed a special training program for personnel that were not successful with their tests. As such, I was able to effectively and successfully train staff using the training program I had developed. My superiors at the Air Force were instrumental in mentoring my development and leadership skills, and provided me with the opportunities to lead various projects. These experiences pushed me to improve my supervisor abilities. With this knowledge, I have had great success leading small teams of enlisted personnel in various projects and roles. After separating from the Air Force, I transitioned to the civilian world to further develop and strengthen my skill set. During that time I worked for Dynetics and developed test plans for a variety of military projects. Following development, I would lead a small team to run the tests and write up the findings. This experience improved my technical writing and detailed planning skills. Following a move to Phoenix, I accepted a position with General Dynamics. I was involved in supporting different functional areas such as test and development, while at the same time I expanded my knowledge of program management. I am confident that with my academic potential, team-working abilities, innovative spirit, and leadership skills, I will add significant value to the W.P. Carey MBA program. Essay Question #2 How will the W. P. Carey MBA help you achieve your personal and professional goals? Please reference any area of emphasis you plan to pursue and discuss your career goals after the MBA program. During my time in college, I did an internship at a large paper mill. Observing various roles in the company I realized my ideal position required getting a MBA. By the time I graduated from college, I already had some experience in company management through our schools engineering enterprise program. With seven years of experience now, I have gained expertise in technology and leadership. However, my experience has been limited to operating as a team member in an established organization. Now I would like to understand industry from the viewpoint of a project manager. I want to learn how to manage a technical program from conception to implementation. A MBA will provide me these skills through learning modules, case studies, and projects with fellow students and interactions with peers from assorted professional backgrounds. During my MBA studies, I plan on taking the supply chain management area of emphasis. The ability to understand how the pieces integrate into the whole, combined with my pre-MBA experiences, will set me up to be able to excel in roles as the project manager or team lead. To reach my career goals, I need time-proven business knowledge and practical exposure to all areas of business disciplines, such as management fundamentals, marketing, operations, and most importantly, supply chain management that will complement my engineering experience. The W.P. Carey MBA program is my top choice because of its top-ranked Department of Supply Chain Management. Whereas the core courses will give me a good groundwork of business fundamentals, courses such as â€Å"Management of Technology/Innovation and â€Å"Project Management are in my area of interest. W.P. Carey will provide me with the academic foundation and network that I need to realize my career ambitions. I am positive that with my academic potential, group skills, and leadership potential, I will add significant value to any employer. Essay Question #3 Please address any weaknesses in your W. P. Carey MBA application or provide additional information you would like to bring to the attention of the Admissions Committee. Concerns to be addressed may include past academic performance or GPA, work experience and/or GMAT scores. The biggest weakness on my MBA application is my college GPA. When I was an undergraduate student I did not fully appreciate the work level that was required to truly excel in my studies at Michigan Technological University. However, if you take a closer look at my GPA throughout my undergraduate years of study, you can see that that there is progressive improvement from the beginning of the year as I got acclimated. Moreover, there is also a positive trend in my grades from my third year of studies up to graduation. There were two main reasons for this shift in my grades; firstly the classes became more focused and specific, which allowed me to excel in these courses, and secondly, I matured during my course of studies. The improvement in my studies was reflective of the successful completion of the engineer-in-training exam, which was obtained at the end of my undergraduate degree. Even though I vastly improved during my undergraduate program of study, I realized that my GPA would continue to be a deterrent for my future goals. To acquire the necessary discipline and expand my skills and knowledge, I joined the United States Air Force. Upon joining the Air Force, I went to Officer Training School, and learning from my previous mistakes at college, worked exceptionally hard. As such, I excelled and graduated Officer Training School in the top ten percent of my class, earning several honors along the way. My time in the United States Air Force was instrumental in expanding my skills in leadership, self-discipline and planning while implementing the knowledge I had gained as part of my undergraduate study. After the Air Force I worked in several challenging jobs, where I was responsible overseeing multiple projects and personnel. I have excelled in every project I have worked on, and my attitude is vastly different to how it was back in the early years of my degree. My college and work experiences have prepared me for the W.P. Carey MBA. Likewise, my GMAT scores demonstrate my future academic potential should this application be viewed favorably.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Occupational Safety And Health Management System Construction Essay

Occupational Safety And Health Management System Construction Essay OSH Management system standard has been widely used as an approach and strategy towards improving the Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) standards at the workplace. As a Safety Officer , I have been instructed by my organization to get the OHSAS 18001:2007 certification within a year. There were some reasons that forced the Board of Directors took this step. I believe the reasons can be considered by other companies, which are willing to adopt it  as their OSH management systems. OHSAS 18001:2007   is occupational health and safety management standard. It defines a set of  occupational health and safety  (OHS) management requirements for  occupational health and safety management  systems (OHSMS). This new OHSAS 18001 2007 standard was officially published during July  of 2007. It cancels and replaces OHSAS 18001 1999.The purpose of OHSAS 18001:2007 is to help organizations to manage and  control their OHS risks and to improve their OHS performance.They can achieve this purpose by developing an OHSMS that complies with OHSAS 18001:2007. An  OHSMS  is a network of interrelated elements. These elements include  responsibilities, authorities, relationships, functions, activities, processes, practices, procedures, and resources. These elements are used to establish OHS policies, plans, programs, and objectives. Simply by meeting all of the OHSAS 18001:2007 requirements (Part 4), you will automatically establish an integrated OHSMS for your organization. How we meet  each  of the OHSAS 18001:2007 requirements, and to what extent, depends  on many factors, including: The size of the organization The location of the organization The nature of the organizations culture The nature of the organizations activities The nature of the organizations legal obligations The nature and scope of the organizations OHSMS The content of the organizations OHS policy The nature of the organizations OHS hazards The nature of the organizations OHS risks Here are the reasons why implementing OHSAS 18001:2007 would give companies more value and benefits. Meeting customers requirements, especially the customers which have been implementing OHSAS 18001 Attract more companies to deal with the company. Fulfill stakeholders satisfaction Ensure the company to meet legal and regulations on occupational safety and health. Improve the quality of workplaces Improve companys health and  safety performance Prevent company to pay unnecessary expenditures Enhance companys  image and companys commitment to  continuous improvement  on health and  safety matter in the workplace Company Background PENWIN Group is engaged in construction and investment holding activities. It operates in three segments: construction, which is engaged in construction activities; property development, which is engaged in development of land into vacant lots, residential, commercial and/or industrial buildings; manufacturing and quarrying, which is engaged in production and sale of concrete products and quarrying activities. Element 4.2 : OHS Policy HSE Management System PENWIN GROUP HSE Management System (HSEMS) is an integrated system certified by OHSAS 18001:1999, ISO 14001:2004 and MS 1722:Part 1:2005 standards. Committed to the set HSE objectives, the Group has systematically implemented, monitoredand measured significant HSE management elements translated into the Group HSEMS Manual, Procedures and Workplaces Plans; these include: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Pro-active management of OHS Risks and Environmental Impacts by identification of hazards, assessment of risks and impacts, and determination of risks and impacts control measures during the project activities planning stage; à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Continuous identification and compliance evaluation of relevant HSE Legislations; à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Training and competency needs identification and provision for the Groups employees based on specific roles and responsibilities towards HSE; à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Effective platforms for consultation and communication of HSE issues by active participation from various levels and functions; à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Determination of operational control measures to eliminate or reduce OHS risks and environmental impacts by establishment of HSE Standard Operating Procedures and Criteria; à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Pro-active planning for emergency readiness and responses; à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Effective programmes for measurement and monitoring of HSE performance covering planned and surprise inspections, statistical analysis and reporting; à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Non-conformity and Incident Management for managing identified non-conformity and incidents through causal analysis to determine improvement actions and prevention of recurrence; à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Scheduled internal audits for verification of system conformance; and à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Scheduled management review for reviewing established system suitability, adequacy and effectiveness. HSE Organisation The Health, Safety and Environmental Management System has been implemented at all levels of the Group and HSE Organisations are established to effectively manage and monitor its implementation. The HSE Organisations include: a) Health, Safety and Environment Management Committee (HSEMC) The Committee, led by the CEO Managing Director meets at planned intervals to review HSE operations and performance. b) Health, Safety and Environment Committee (HSEC) Led by appointed senior management staff, the Committee is established at corporate level and at all workplaces as part of compliance with Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 (OSHA). c) Corporate HSE Department Established at corporate level to assist the Group in establishing, implementing and maintaining the Health, Safety and Environmental Management System. Health And Safety Policy Statement Our Goal: 1 Malaysia, Health, Safety and Environment is Everyones Responsibility The Management of PENWIN Group is committed to the health and safety of its employees and for all who are involved in our projects. Protection of employees from injury or occupational disease is a major continuing objective. We are committed to continuing improvement toward an accident-free workplace through effective administration, education and training. All supervisors and workers must be dedicated to the continuing objectives of eliminating the near misses which will greatly reduce the risk of injuries. Our philosophy is that the well-being of our company and clients is dependent on the health and safety or our workforce. The Directors and Officers of this corporation promise that every precaution reasonable in all circumstances will be taken for the protection of all workers. No job is to be regarded so urgent that time cannot be taken to do it in a safe manner. The welfare of the individual is our greatest concern. Supervisors will be responsible for the health and safety of workers under their supervision. Supervisors are responsible to ensure that machinery and equipment required for use by each worker are safe and that each worker works in compliance with established safe work practices and procedures for each piece of equipment. Workers must receive adequate training in their specific work tasks to protect their health and safety. All supervisors, employees and subcontractors must protect their own and fellow workers health and safety by working in compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act and all applicable regulations and safe work practices and procedures established by our company. We are a member of the NIOSH. We recognize that a safe work environment can be established and sustained only through a united effort by all employees and subcontractors and that the assistance of each person is required. Your attitude and cooperation in promoting accident prevention will assist in achieving our goal, and make our company the best place to work, one where employees share in corporate growth and success. Everyone from the President to new workers has the responsibility to ensure a safe and healthy workplace. Lets all work together to prevent incidents from creating unwanted losses and personal injuries or illnesses. [BADROL HISHAM BIN HJ BAHARI] President PENWIN Group 12 September 2000 Health and Safety Responsibilities Senior Management Prepare a health and safety policy. Post it in the workplace and review it annually. Develop a program to implement the health and safety policy. Ensure it is known throughout the organization. Ensure training is in place to make the program work. Appoint competent supervision. Ensure that equipment, materials and protective devices are provided and maintained in good condition. Provide resources so supervisors and workers can carry out safe and healthy work. Ensure that adequate and suitable planning is done to provide safe and healthy workplaces. Review accident reports and respond where necessary. Review middle managements site inspection reports quarterly. Delegate authority and responsibility. Hold employees and subcontractors accountable for the authority and responsibility delegated to them. Be visibly committed to making health and safety work. Inspire others to make it work. Middle Management Ensure that the workforce understands their health and safety responsibilities. Ensure that equipment, materials and protective devices are provided and maintained in good condition. Ensure the workforce is trained to safely complete the work and deal with hazards. Ensure that the training is current and regularly reviewed. Be aware of applicable legislation and ensure compliance. Ensure there is an effective mechanism for co-operative problem solving amongst workers and supervisors. Take unresolved health and safety problems to senior management. Respond appropriately to reports of problems and to Joint Health and Safety Committee/Health and Safety Rep recommendations. Ensure procedures and practices are established so workers can carry out safe and healthy work. Establish a system to review the health and safety program. Ensure it is up-to-date. Review supervisors safety/toolbox talks Review accident/incident reports. Ensure corrective actions are taken. Conduct a formal inspection of a job site once a month. Report quarterly to senior management on the status of health and safety performance. Hold supervisors accountable for the authority and responsibility delegated to them and hold workers accountable for their responsibilities. Be visibly committed to making health and safety work. Inspire others to make it work. Supervisor Ensure that workers use or wear the equipment, protective devices or clothing that the company requires to be used or worn and that it is in good condition. Ensure that workers receive appropriate training to use or wear the equipment, protective devices or clothing that the company requires. Establish procedures and practices to ensure that workers can carry out safe and healthy work. Ensure that workers comply with the Occupational Health and Safety Act, applicable regulations and the companys policy and program. Ensure that workers are aware of potential hazards and have dealt with, or are dealing with, the actual hazards in the workplace. Plan and communicate work assignments to enable workers to produce safety. Involve workers in work planning and problem solving. Provide orientation to new crew members. Conduct weekly safety talks and weekly site inspections. Review safety aspects of each task with crew. Conduct accident or incident investigation. Encourage workers to report health and safety problems Respond quickly and appropriately to worker concerns and cooperate in their correction. Take matter to higher level if beyond supervisors authority/ability. Report safety problems to middle management. Be aware of the applicable legislation and company procedures. Set an example by being consistently safety conscious, and insisting on the safe performance of work. Supervise, advise and coach workers as required. Observe the work in progress and provide positive input to the worker. Worker Use or wear the equipment, protective devices or clothing that the company requires. Work safely in accordance with the companys or the clients health and safety policy and program, and with the Occupational Health and Safety Act and applicable regulations. Do not remove, displace or interfere with the use of any safeguards. Report unsafe conditions to the supervisor, after taking appropriate immediate action. Report all accidents, injuries and near-misses immediately to the supervisor. Work in a way that will not endanger yourself or others. Advise other workers of unsafe conditions or work practices. Participate in solving health and safety problems. Provide recommendations to the supervisor to improve health and safety. Element 4.3.1 : Planning For Hazard Identification, Risk Assesment and Risk Control Job Hazard Analysis Purpose The purpose of our Job Hazard Analysis is to identify, control or eliminate potential or actual dangers in a job or task. Factors to be considered in assigning a priority for analysis of jobs include: Accident frequency and severity: jobs where accidents occur frequently or where they occur infrequently but result in disabling injuries Potential for severe injuries or illnesses: the consequences of an accident, hazardous condition, or exposure to harmful substances are potentially severe Newly established jobs: due to lack of experience in these jobs, hazards may not be evident or anticipated Modified jobs: new hazards may be associated with changes in job procedures Infrequently performed jobs: workers may be at greater risk when undertaking non-routine jobs, and a Job Hazard Analysis provides means of reviewing hazards PENWIN Group management and supervision is responsible for ensuring all work is safely planned; the Job Hazard Analysis will assist in determining firstly, what are the steps in the job; secondly, what are the potential hazards in the job; and finally, what are the protective measures for the safety of our worker(s) assigned to do the non-routine work. Procedure for Completing a Job Hazard Analysis Breakdown of Job Steps Job or task identified for analysis by supervisor Supervisor overseeing the job breaks job into steps (with assistance from crew members, h s rep etc) A job step is defined as a segment of the operation necessary to advance the work Keep the steps in the correct sequence Identify Actual/Potential Hazards (refer to checklist in appendix) Once the basic steps have been recorded, potential hazards must be identified at each step. This is based on observation of the job, knowledge of accident and in jury causes, and personal experience. To identify potential hazards, the supervisor may use questions such as these (this is not a complete list): Can any body part get caught in or between objects? Do tools, machines or equipment present any hazards? Can the worker make harmful contact with objects? Can the worker slip, trip or fall? Can the worker suffer strain from lifting, pushing or pulling? Is the worker exposed to extreme heat or cold? Is excessive noise or vibration a problem? Is there a danger from falling objects? Is lighting a problem? Can weather conditions affect safety? Is harmful radiation a possibility? Can contact be made with hot, toxic or caustic substances? Are there dusts, fumes, mists or vapours in the air? Preventative Measures/Controls After completing the risk assessment and having taken account of existing controls the company should be able to determine whether existing controls are adequate or need improving or new controls are required. The following provides examples of implementing the hierarchy of controls. Elimination modify a design to eliminate the hazard, e.g introduce mechanical lifting devices to eliminate the manual handling hazard. Substitution substitute a less hazardous material or reduce the system energy e.g lower the force, amperage, pressure, temperature, etc . Engineering Controls install ventilation systems, machine guarding, interlocks, sound enclosures, etc. Signage, warnings and/or administrative controls install alarms, safety procedures, equipment inspections, access controls. Personal protective equipment safety glasses , hearing protection, face shields, safety harnesses and lanyards, respirators and gloves. Eliminate the Hazard This is the most effective measure, some examples are: Choose a different process Modify an existing process Substitute with less hazardous substance Improve environment (ventilation) Modify or change equipment or tools Contain the Hazard If the hazard cannot be eliminated, contact might be prevented by using enclosures, machine guards, worker booths or similar devices. Revise Work Procedure Consideration might be given to modifying steps that are hazardous, changing the sequence of steps or adding additional steps (such as locking out energy sources) Reduce the Exposure These measures are the least effective and should only be used if no other solutions are possible. One way to minimizing exposure is to reduce the number of times the hazard is encountered. Communication of Job Hazard Analysis to Workers When the Job Hazard Analysis is completed, the results must be communicated to all workers who are, or who will be, performing the job. The job hazard analysis must be discussed by the employees performing the job to ensure that all the basic steps have been noted, are in the correct order, have suitable controls and be documented and signed by the worker and supervisor. Supervisors will ensure that workers are following the appropriate control procedures. Hazard Reporting System Policy PENWIN Group is committed to identifying and removing or controlling hazards. The hazard reporting system is a worker-oriented process. Workers are in the best position to identify the hazards in the workplace because they are the ones who perform the work. Workers act as a second set of eyes for supervisors. Procedure Worker Responsibilities Report any perceived hazard verbally to the site supervisor. Provide recommendations to the supervisor on how to eliminate or control the hazard. If the supervisor does not respond to your concern you are to inform management. Supervisor Responsibilities Discuss the hazard and controls with the worker and complete the Hazard Identification Form. Respond to the workers concern by the next shift. Ensure that the form details the action or non-action which will be taken. Provide a copy of the completed Hazard Identification Form to middle management. Middle Management Responsibilities Ensure action is taken to address the hazard identified. Initialize and date the Hazard Identification Form. See ATTACHMENT for: Hazard Identification Form Risk Assesment Risk assessment is the process where you: Identify hazards. Analyze or evaluate the risk associated with that hazard. Determine appropriate ways to eliminate or control the hazard. In practical terms, a risk assessment is a thorough look at your workplace to identify those things, situations, processes, etc that may cause harm, particularly to people. After identification is made, you evaluate how likely and severe the risk is, and then decide what measures should be in place to effectively prevent or control the harm from happening. Risk assessments are very important as they form an integral part of a good occupational health and safety management plan. They help to: Create awareness of hazards and risks. Identify who may be at risk (employees, cleaners, visitors, contractors, the public, etc). Determine if existing control measures are adequate or if more should be done. Prevent injuries or illnesses when done at the design or planning stage. Prioritize hazards and control measures. The aim of the risk assessment process is to remove a hazard or reduce the level of its risk by adding precautions or control measures, as necessary. By doing so, you have created a safer and healthier workplace. Assessments should be done by a competent team of individuals who have a good working knowledge of the workplace. Staff should be involved always include supervisors and workers who work with the process under review as they are the most familiar with the operation. In general, to do an assessment, you should: Identify hazards. Evaluate the likelihood of an injury or illness occurring, and its severity. Consider normal operational situations as well as non-standard events such as shutdowns, power outages, emergencies, etc. Review all available heath and safety information about the hazard such as MSDSs, manufacturers literature, information from reputable organizations, results of testing, etc. Identify actions necessary to eliminate or control the risk. Monitor and evaluate to confirm the risk is controlled. Keep any documentation or records that may be necessary. Documentation may include detailing the process used to assess the risk, outlining any evaluations, or detailing how conclusions were made. When doing an assessment, you must take into account: the methods and procedures used in the processing, use, handling or storage of the substance, etc. the actual and the potential exposure of workers the measures and procedures necessary to control such exposure by means of engineering controls, work practices, and hygiene practices and facilities By determining the level of risk associated with the hazard, the employer and the joint he Ranking or prioritizing hazards is one way to help determine which hazard is the most serious and thus which hazard to control first. Priority is usually established by taking into account the employee exposure and the potential for accident, injury or illness. By assigning a priority to the hazards, you are creating a ranking or an action list. The following factors play an important role: percentage of workforce exposed frequency of exposure degree of harm likely to result from the exposure probability of occurrence There is no one simple or single way to determine the level of risk. Ranking hazards requires the knowledge of the workplace activities, urgency of situations, and most importantly, objective judgement. One option is to use a table similar to the following as established by the British Standards Organization: Note:  These categorizations and the resulting asymmetry of the matrix arise from the examples of harm and likelihood illustrated within the British Standard. Organizations should adjust the design and size of the matrix to suit their needs. Definitions for Likelihood of Harm Very Likely   Typically experienced at least once every six months by an individual. Likely   Typically experienced once every five years by an individual. Unlikely   Typically experienced once during the working lifetime of an individual. Very unlikely   Less than 1% chance of being experienced by an individual during their working lifetime. Definitions for Severity of Harm Potential severity of harm   When establishing potential severity of harm, information about the relevant work activity should be considered, together with: a) part(s) of the body likely to be affected; b) nature of the harm, ranging from slight to extremely harmful: 1. slightly harmful (e.g., superficial injuries; minor cuts and bruises; eye irritation from dust; nuisance and irritation; ill-health leading to temporary discomfort) 2. harmful (e.g., lacerations; burns; concussion; serious sprains; minor fractures; deafness; dermatitis; asthma; work-related upper limb disorders; ill-health) 3. extremely harmful (e.g., amputations; major fractures; poisonings; multiple injuries; fatal injuries; occupational cancer; other severely life shortening diseases; acute fatal diseases) Definition for Risk Level   Tolerability Guidance on necessary action and timescale Very low   These risks are considered acceptable. No further action is necessary other than to ensure that the controls are maintained. Low   No additional controls are required unless they can be implemented at very low cost (in terms of time, money, and effort). Actions to further reduce these risks are assigned low priority. Arrangements should be made to ensure that the controls are maintained. Medium   Consideration should be as to whether the risks can be lowered, where applicable, to a tolerable level and preferably to an acceptable level, but the costs of additional risk reduction measures should be taken into account. The risk reduction measures should be implemented within a defined time period. Arrangements should be made to ensure that controls are maintained, particularly if the risk levels area associated with harmful consequences. High   Substantial efforts should be made to reduce the risk. Risk reduction measures should be implemented urgently within a defined time period and it might be necessary to consider suspending or restricting the activity, or to apply interim risk control measures, until this has been completed. Considerable resources might have to be allocated to additional control measures. Arrangements should be made to ensure that controls are maintained, particularly if the risk levels are associated with extremely harmful consequences and very harmful consequences. Very high   These risk are unacceptable. Substantial improvements in risk control measures are necessary so that the risk is reduced to a tolerable or acceptable level. The work activity should be halted until risk controls are implemented that reduces the risk so that it is no longer very high. If it is not possible to reduce the risk, the work should remain prohibited. Element 4.42 : Competence , training and awareness. Employee Training PENWIN Group is responsible for ensuring all employees and supervisors are properly trained. It is committed to providing adequate time and resources to train all personnel to perform their duties in an efficient and safe manner. Management is responsible for ensuring records of all completed training courses are maintained. A review of all training should take place at the regular management/supervisor meetings and meetings of the joint health and safety committee and must be completed no less than annually. Management Training In addition to participating in supervisory training requirements, operations management will be given the opportunity to attend advanced training in maintaining safety in the workplace. Supervision Training All construction supervision must attend the following safety competency courses: Supervisor competency via an accredited organization First aid and CPR Fall protection train the trainer PENWIN Group health and safety program training Specialized tool and equipment instruction as required Worker Training/Instruction Workers will be instructed by a competent person to ensure that safety is maintained in the workplace. Formal training must be provided for the following: Fall Protection Personal Protective Equipment (Respirator, hazmat if required) Tools and equipment (new or specialized) Emergency Response An evaluation must be completed to ensure workers are familiar with program content and the activities for which they will be responsible. The objective of training is to ease the implementation of health and safety policies into specific job practices and to raise awareness and skill levels to an acceptable standard. While all employees can benefit from health and safety training, special attention should be given to the training of supervisors, trainers, and workers. Occasions when employee training may be required are: commencement of employment reassignment or transfer to a new job introduction of new equipment, processes, or procedures inadequate performance The following topics be included in supervisory safety training: safety and the supervisor know your accident problems human relations maintaining interest in safety instructing for safety industrial hygiene personal protective equipment industrial housekeeping material handling and storage guarding machines and mechanisms hand and portable power tools fire protection The supervisor is generally responsible for much of the training of workers. This duty, however, is often delegated to an experienced worker. To be an effective instructor, an instructor should: Receive training in how to instruct. Prepare an orderly plan for instruction. Explain reasons why each step must be done in a certain way. All instructors should be taught how to proceed when training a new or inexperienced employee: Plan the session beforehand; break the job down into steps; have training aids available. Explain what is to be done. Describe all the hazards and protective measures. Demonstrate each step, stress key points, and answer any questions. Have the employee carry out each step, correct errors, and compliment good performance. Check frequently after the employee is working independently to ensure correct performance. Documented correct work procedures are an invaluable aid in job skills training. External sources for training assistance are industry associations, unions, government agencies, and professional consultants. Once the health and safety program has been set in place and the program appears to be running smoothly, effort is still required to maintain enthusiasm and interest. Studies have shown that the effectiveness of health and safety educational techniques depends largely on how much importance management is seen to place on health and

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Lord Of The Flies - Whats The Point? :: essays research papers

Lord of the Flies - What’s the Point?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Lord of the Flies, a literary classic, examines specific social and human nature issues. The boys experience power and leadership struggles, a battle with sadism, and the never-ending fight for the role of intellectuals in society. The author William Golding, presents human nature as a contrast to the reality of the boys on the island.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Jack and Ralph were two boys who both wanted to be the leader. From the very beginning of the book the two boys had disagreements. Jack thought that he should be leader. Ralph was the central character and he had a lot of pressure put on him to come up with ideas for survival. That’s where Piggy comes in; he was the never noticed sidekick of Ralph. Piggy always came up with the acceptable ideas to help Ralph be the preferred leader. Ralph was a democrat, he wanted order and things to be accomplished. Such as the rescue fire and huts being built. At first everyone wanted to help and get everything achieved, but soon after the tasks went to a few people. The boys who did not want to work wanted to play. That is when Jack started to do whatever he wanted. At first Jack preferred rules, but after the book progressed he slowly put the things he wanted first; that’s when the battle for leadership starts between Jack and Ralph. Jack wanted to have fun and to hunt. He was the appointed leader of the hunters and he had an addiction to kill. Jack got satisfaction out of slaughtering animals, it made him feel commanding and powerful. Jack represented dictatorship and showed how everything should be his way. He played on the fear of the boys and persuades them to join his tribe. Jack had his own agenda to follow. Now that he had control over so many boys, he could have his own fort with guards. Anytime he wanted Jack and his hunters could go kill without Ralph getting mad at them for not working. Jack won the battle for leadership.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Jack was the evil or the dark side of the island. The beginning of the story started out with Jack and the rest of the boys painted as innocent. Jack was just a choir boy, but slowly his human nature was tested. He turns in to a bully, he picks on and fights with Piggy. Piggy is made an outcast by Jack teasing him about being a â€Å"fatty†. Jack also isolated Simon from the group by making fun of Simon’s view of the beast, shown in this

Friday, October 11, 2019

Final Exam – Financial Institution

Financial Insitutions Closed book, Closed Notes 1. Final Examination Fall 2011 Roger Staiger III What is the difference between the spot market and the futures market In the spot market, trades are executed immediately, i. e. real time. In the futures markets, which is a derivatives market, trades are agreed upon today but settled lat later dates in the future. 2. What is the main difference between the money markets and capital markets? Money markets are for short-term security exchanges, i. e. less than 270 days. The capital markets are for long-term security exchanges, i. e. greater than one year. 3.What are four requirements to transfer capital within an efficient market? a. b. c. d. e. f. Stable Government Low Inflation Savings (personal, corporate, fiscal) Competition Disclosure (transparency) Fair market rules (legal system) 4. Draw the difference between direct and indirect capital formation process. Business Securities Dollars Savers Business 5. Financial Intermed. Savers De scribe the purpose of an investment banking house. a. Design Sellable Securities b. Buy securities from corporations c. Resell to ‘savers’ (broker transactions) 6. Name two sources of funds for Financial Intermediaries. . Deposits (lenders, credit unions, pension funds) b. Premiums (life insurance) c. Share issuance (mutual funds) Name four main roles for depository institutions. a. Offer deposit accounts 7. All problems equally weighted Page 1 of 7 Financial Insitutions Closed book, Closed Notes b. c. d. e. 8. Final Examination Fall 2011 Roger Staiger III Repackage (warehouse) deposit accounts Underwrite risk on loans â€Å"Expertise† in quantifying creditworthiness Provide diversification for placed loans What are the unique characteristics for a credit union separating it from other depository institutions? . b. c. d. Not for profit All business restricted to members All members share a common bond (geography, employer) Small (relatively) depository institutio n 9. Name two of the securities found in the Money Markets. a. Treasuries b. Commercial Paper 10. Name two of the securities found in the Capital Markets. a. b. c. d. Fixed income securities Mortgages Securitized products Equity 11. Define â€Å"Derivative†. An asset for which the value is derived from an underlying asset. 12. A wife purchases insurance on her husband (the marriage is loving). What type of â€Å"trader† is the wife?A â€Å"hedger† as the wife is not purchasing the instrument to profit from the loss of her husband but to provide financial security should the husband expire. The strategy is loss-minimization and therefore a hedge. 13. Name two large risks when investing abroad. a. Country Risk b. Foreign Exchange Risk c. Interest Rate Risk Note: B&C could be considered parallel due to interest rate parity. All problems equally weighted Page 2 of 7 Financial Insitutions Closed book, Closed Notes 14. Final Examination Fall 2011 Roger Staiger III Wha t is considered the leading Federal District Bank?New York Federal Reserve 15. Name three operations performed by Federal District Banks. a. b. c. d. e. Clear Checks Replace old currency Provide loans through discount window) Collect economic data Research 16. How many district banks are there in the Federal Reserve system? 12 17. Name five sources of data used by the FOMC. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. Wages Consumer prices Unemployment GDP Business inventories Foreign Exchange Rates Interest Rates Financial Market Conditions Production Levels Business Investment Residential Construction International Trade International Economic Growth 18.Why does the Federal Reserve perform Open Market Operations? a. Increase/decrease level of funds in market b. Offset impact of other conditions that affect level of funds, e. g. holiday traffic 19. Why is the reserve requirement ratio important? Represents the proportion of deposits that must be held as reserves for a financial instituti on. It is one of the determinants of the money supply. 20. What are the two rates that the Federal Reserve sets? a. Federal Funds Rate b. Discount Rate All problems equally weighted Page 3 of 7 Financial Insitutions Closed book, Closed Notes 21. Final Examination Fall 2011 Roger Staiger IIIWhat are the four components of GDP? GDP = Consumption + Investment + Government Spending + Net Exports 22. What are the goals of the Federal Reserve? a. Control inflation (price stability) at 2. 00% b. Promote Growth 23. What are the goals of the ECB? a. Control inflation (price stability) at 2. 00% 24. What are the relative sizes of each asset class in the U. S.? Fixed Income ($32,000bn) Real Estate ($20,000bn) Equities ($18,000bn) Note: In 2006, Real Estate was the largest asset class but has suffered from over $10,000bn in losses over the current financial crisis and still losing†¦ 25. What is LIBOR?London Interbank Offering Rate: Rate that 16 large global commercial banks lend 10 differe nt currencies at 15 different maturities to each other in the overnight market. 26. The world is safe and growth permeates most economies. Explain what this means for the borrowing rate for the US government using a Supply/Demand curve and cash flow diagram for Treasuries. Price S P0 P1 D Quantity P As price decreasing, yield increases, i. e. it costs more for the U. S. government to borrow. All problems equally weighted Page 4 of 7 Financial Insitutions Closed book, Closed Notes 27. Final Examination Fall 2011 Roger Staiger IIIDraw the cash flow diagram for a zero coupon bond. 28. What are three methods that a financial institution uses to manage interest rate risk? a. b. c. d. e. Maturity matching Using floating-rate loans Using interest rate futures contracts Using interest rate swaps Using interest rate caps 29. Why do financial institutions sell their own underwritten loans? a. b. c. d. Maintain services (fee based income) Sell asset (earn positive spread) Sell asset (negative spread but significantly reduced risk exposure) Turnover of capital 30. What are the three main banking regulators in the U. S.? a. Comptroller of Currency b.Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) c. Federal Reserve 31. What is the current insurance limit by account offered to private investors by the FDIC? $250,000 32. What was important about Glass-Steagall? a. Separated banking and securities activities b. Prevented any firm that accepted deposits from underwriting stocks and bonds of corporation c. Intended to prevent conflicts of interest 33. What important about Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act a. Repealed Glass-Steagall b. Allowed affiliation between banks, securities firms, and insurance companies 34. What was most important about Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX)? All problems equally weightedPage 5 of 7 Financial Insitutions Closed book, Closed Notes a. b. c. d. 35. Final Examination Fall 2011 Roger Staiger III Increased transparency of reporting Internal reporting processes required Centr al database of information required Executives personally verifying (signing) financial statements What was Basel? Basel I Accord 1988: 12 major countries agreed on uniform capital standards Tier 1 and Tier 2 Capital adequacy Basel II: Revision of the measurement of credit risk; explicitly account for operational risk; requires more disclosure about exposure risk Basel III: Global regulatory standards for capital adequacy and risk.Fully phased in by 2019. 36. What are CAMELs Ratings? Rating system for banks: Capital Adequacy Asset Quality Management Earnings Liquidity Sensitivity 37. What is Value-at-Risk? Risk measure that quantifies size of risk to a given confidence level over a finite period of time. 38. What is important about Dodd-Frank? Unlike SOX, it includes large private entities under the veil of regulation, e. g. hedge funds, that pose systemic risk. Also intended to add transparency and force OTC products to trade across exchanges for greater transparency. Potentially d isconnected motivations of employees and corporations for reporting fraud, i. . employees (possibly former) share in a portion of an SEC fine recovered. (note: Dodd-Frank is 2319 pages so many answers will be given full credit. The above are important highlights, but again, there is a breadth of correct answers for this question) 39. Who is the current Federal Reserve Chairperson? Ben Bernanke 40. Who is the current Treasurer AND Johns Hopkins University Graduate? All problems equally weighted Page 6 of 7 Financial Insitutions Closed book, Closed Notes Tim Geithner Final Examination Fall 2011 Roger Staiger III All problems equally weighted Page 7 of 7

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Changeling: Film Techniques and Son Essay

Changeling is a 2008 inspiring film directed by Clint Eastwood. It is based on an American drama known as the â€Å"Wineville Chicken Coop†. Christine Collins, played by Angelina Jolie, is a single mother in the 1920s whose son mysteriously goes missing. The film goes on a journey with Collins leading her to discover the corruptness of the Los Angeles Police Department. Though the film incorporates multiple plots, the main narrative revolves around Christine Collins and her unbreakable spirit as she attempts to solve the mystery of the kidnapping of her son. The theme of the movie is that through a horrible tragedy, a triumphant success can come out of it. Furthermore, it shows that hope and love can overcome all pain and suffering. It is because of the film’s use of cinematography, editing, camera movement, composition and overall mise en scà ¨ne that the theme of the film is clearly represented. The opening sequence of the film gives significant information about the setting and the narrative. This is accomplished with the use of establishing shots. The film begins with a black backdrop and plays non-diegetic music. The slow tempo music provided by brass instruments gives the film a sense of a cryptic effect. As a result, we get a vision of what genre this film could be. The music also helps trigger tension and stress from the audience. Besides the music, a teardrop on the black backdrop is shown, hinting to a sad, drama genre. A fade-in then takes us into a nearly black, almost white establishing shot of the city of Los Angeles. The date and location of the shot are provided at the center of the screen as â€Å"Los Angeles. March 8, 1928.† In regards to cinematography, the lack of color that is provided informs us that the story takes place in the past when everything was presented on televisions in black and white. This occurred during the â€Å"Jazz Age,† which also explains the instrumental music that is playing during the opening sequence. The cinematography additionally helps illustrate much of the California setting and time in which the film takes place. The high angle camera begins in the sky and moves down towards the traffic, people, and other objects which make up the setting. The production set includes old fashioned cars, palm trees, milk trucks, and the distinctive vintage look of California during the 1920s. As the opening sequence fades out, we are transported to the first scene of the film into a house by a camera pan. Collins is suddenly awakened by her alarm and then wakes up her son Walter. The use of light and shadowing in this scene was quite apparent. It showed the joy and love between the mother and son during this scene before an unfortunate kidnapping took place. As the sun was shining brightly through the window and mother and son were smiling, we get a feel for the close relationship they have for each other and their unconditional love. During this scene, the camera angles also showed the loving relationship the both of them shared. A prime example is when Walter looked up to his mother with an upward camera angle showing his admiration for his mother. While Christine looked at Walter with a downward camera angle to show her gratitude for her little boy. The exchanging of dialogue between the characters occurs next, which also gives us a sense of the strength of their conne ction. We then see the mother and son exiting a trolley while the camera neatly closes in on their hands as they come together. A lot of framing by windows and doorways is shown in the film. One example is after the mother and son exit the trolley and stand by the school. The camera stays in the trolley and the two figures are perfectly framed by the trolley window. This is done to create a feeling of isolation or loneliness. The audience is therefore not let into a lot of personal moments like the one outside of the school which makes the audience wonder how the main character is feeling. The last part of the scene before her son is kidnapped occurs when Collins is preparing to leave for work. This particular moment is intensified by the dramatic camera movement. Collins firmly stands outside the house as her son glances from the window. As she slowly walks away, the camera follows her and pulls away from the house. From that distinct moment in the film, that shot would foreshadow the sepa ration the mother and son would soon face. The next scene is when Christine enters the house and discovers that her son is suddenly missing. The lighting in the house is very dark and gloomy, which describes how Collins is feeling at that moment. The camera then takes an omniscient view when we watch the high angle camera show Collins searching the house for her son. The emptiness of not only her house is represented with this angle but also how she is feeling at that moment when she finds out that her son is missing. As she calls the police to report the disappearance of her child, the camera takes on the omniscient view once again. The camera is placed right above her ear in which the receiver is held against. This angle is done to give an impression of someone watching Collins make the call. We find out that the authorities cannot do anything within the 24-hour window frame of his kidnapping and this foreshadows the police department’s inability in helping Ms. Collins’ find her son. The next noteworthy scene is when Collins speaks at a conference addressing the media about the events concerning her son. In this specific scene the weather is wet and dreary and because of that, the lighting and coloring looks meek and cold. The use of ambient lighting in this scene reflects the trouble Collins is going through and the heartbreak she is feeling trying to convince the authorities that the boy who was given to her is not her son. The coloring is a blue tone which symbolizes a despairing mood. Though the use of ambient lighting in the beginning of the film when Collins was with her son gave a gentle and complimentary effect, it progressively changed to a more unflattering effect as the movie unfolded. Editing during this scene involved a matched cut. First we see Christine and then the camera shows different views of the action around her. This editing technique was used to provide a sense of continuity and to highlight this important event in her life when she lets society know that the Los Angeles Police Department was not doing their job properly in discovering her son. Another scene that incorporates many film elements is the scene in the police station when Collins continues to argue that the boy the authorities gave to her is not her son. During this scene the lighting was once again very murky and it was even raining. The frame was positioned by a window and though you could not see the rain, you could see the shadows of it dripping on the wall. Throughout much of the film and this scene, rain was another symbol of the despair Collins was going through at the time. The lead acting role of Angelina Jolie in this scene involved a lot of use of body language and expression. She held her hands to her head indicating the frustration she was feeling and that she could no longer keep her emotions bundled up inside. And throughout much of the film, her emotions are not hidden and are displayed not only for entertainment, but they are used to provoke sympathy in the audience. The use of close up shots in this scene was also noticeable to connote the fear and anxiety Collins was feeling. While the long shots were used to connote the feeling of loneliness and separation. The key light in this scene was also shown above the police to show female disempowerment. During these times, females did not have the same rights as men and it was clearly represented in the movie through lighting. An example would be when a police officer would walk into the room, the room would suddenly appear darker and this showed the dominance they had over Collins. The next significant scene is when Christine is admitted in the psychopathic ward by the authorities for relentlessly denying that the boy who was given back to her was not her son. The scene was very obscure and it was one of the lowest points in her life. But when she thought of her son during a positive train of thought, the sun would suddenly appear and the room would get brighter. This lighting choice symbolized her hope and that she would never give up because she felt her son was still alive. Throughout many of these important moments an editing choice of flashbacking was made to startle the audience. One particular flashback occurred to show multiple plots going on when the scene would out of nowhere travel to a ranch where all the boys were kept and the serial killer was about to pick one to kill. This decision by the editor and the director gave the audience a harsh simultaneous view of the struggles Collins was going through and the tragedy these innocent boys were encountering. During this flashback there was also use of a canted angle in which shows an environment of a ranch where a man is walking out with a gun in his hand. This canted angle reflects the obscurity of the event as a little boy (Walter, Collins’ son) is seen running away from him. A hand-held camera movement is then used to follow the little boy running. This is used to make the audience feel the perspective of the person chasing him, which in turn makes the boy seem even more unprotected. The last notable scenes that use film elements in which show the enduring quality of Collins is the scene at the prison and the very last scene when a sense of closure has finally come. When Collins has a private meeting with the serial killer to interrogate him about the killing of her son, the room is very dark but the key light is on Jolie. It is interesting to see how the lighting changed from the meeting with the authorities to this meeting because they no longer have dominance over Collins as the light is shown over her now. The scene evolves into the abductor not telling her the truth and he is dragged out of the cell while the camera pans away from Collins holding on to the prison bars. This camera movement suggests that Christine is trapped in her own mental state of a prison and her hope for closure has still not arrived. But as the closing of the film presents itself, we receive closure when another boy tells his story of survival and lets the authorities and Collins know that without Walter, he wouldn’t be alive. As the movie concludes, the same non-diegetic music that was played during the span of the movie to symbolize sorrow and pain was played, but this time it was for a different reason. It was played to symbolize hope; the hope of Collins that she never gave up. The Oscar nominated 2008 film Changeling is a film about female disempowerment, corruption in political hierarchies and about children and violence during the 1920s in Los Angeles, California. It involves many elements that the make the film what it is. From its cinematography, to its acting, to its production design, to its editing, the film wouldn’t be the same if it missed any of these filmic elements. It is because of the lighting and coloring that we get gentle and soft moments and dark and cold moments. It is because of the music that we get emotions of tensions, despair and hope. It is because of the narrative that we get the journey of the determination of Christine Collins. It is because of the production design that we get the feel of how it really was in LA in the 1920s. And it is because of all of the individual choices and decisions for this film that it was able to express the theme or the lesson of this film, which is that hope and love can overcome all pain and suffering.